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Isorhamenetin may help to reduce diabetes complications

Some studies have focused on the ability of isorhamnetin to attenuate diabetes complications such as diabetic cataract, lipid peroxidation and high blood glucose levels.

Lee YS an co-workers of the Seokwon Life Science Research Institute, Korea, tested the effect of different extracts from jointed glasswort (Salicornia herbacea), on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and on the activity of rat lens aldose reductases [1]. Their in-vitro test showed that the extract which contained isorhamnetin-3-O-beta-D-glucoside showed a strong inhibition of rat lens aldose reductases. When the same extract was administered orally to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, serum glucose level was reduced but also the sorbitol accumulation in the lenses, red blood cells and sciatic nerves dropped. The researchers concluded that the isorhamnetin-rich glasswort extract should be further investigated a potential drug for candidate for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications.

A Japanese study from the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University also indicated that isorhamnetin could be beneficial for diabetes patients. A team lead by Yokozawa T investigated the effect of isorhamnetin diglucoside on oxidative stress induced by diabetes mellitus. They found that oral administration of isorhamnetin diglucoside to rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes significantly reduced serum levels of glucose, hydroxymethyl furfural and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance levels of serum, and liver and kidney mitochondria. Mainly the aglycone form, isorhamnetin, was responsible for this action.

[1] Lee YS, Lee S, Lee HS, Kim BK, Ohuchi K, Shin KH. "Inhibitory effects of isorhamnetin-3-O-beta-D-glucoside from Salicornia herbacea on rat lens aldose reductase and sorbitol accumulation in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat tissues." Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2005 May;28(5):916-8.
[2] Yokozawa T, Kim HY, Cho EJ, Choi JS, Chung HY. "Antioxidant effects of isorhamnetin 3,7-di-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside isolated from mustard leaf (Brassica juncea) in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes." " Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2002 Sep 11;50(19):5490-5.

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